Viewing File History

File history is available after any function has been performed on a file, such as adding the file to an entity. You can simply view the history for a file, or the history can be printed, exported to a spreadsheet, or emailed.

Note: The items on the right-click menu vary depending on your permissions and security group assignments. Administrative users can change permissions and security group assignments in Administration Manager. See the Administration Manager Help and the topic Managing Access in CCH® ProSystem fx® for more information.

Entries included in the history consist of the following items:

Component Description
Date/Time Displays the date and time changes were made to the file, including the original date/time the file was uploaded.
Version Displays the version number of the file associated with the action performed.
User Indicates the user name of person who made the changes.
Operations Displays the action that was taken with the file, such as checking the file in or out, if the file was checked out via Direct Edit, or if a check-out action was canceled.
Result Displays the results of the action, either successful or if the action failed.
Details Displays a detailed description of the action, such as where a file was checked out to or if a property was changed.
Comments Displays details of specific comments made on the file during the check-out or check-in process.

Click a link below to learn how to perform the selected task.

ClosedView the history of a file.

  1. Right-click the file.
  2. Select History from the menu.
  3. Review the information in the grid, and then click Close to exit the history grid.
  4. Note: Columns can be rearranged, sorted, or grouped but the view cannot be saved.

ClosedPrint the history of a file.

  1. Right-click the file.
  2. Select History from the menu.
  3. Click Print to open a print window.
  4. Click Print to send the history to your default printer and return to the History window.

ClosedExport the history of a file.

  1. Right-click the file.
  2. Select History from the menu.
  3. Click Export to open a Save As window.
  4. Enter a file name and click Save.
  5. Click Yes to open the file.

ClosedEmail the history of a file.

  1. Right-click the file.
  2. Select History from the menu.
  3. Click Email.
  4. Enter an email address in the To box and any pertinent information in the Body section.
  5. Click Send to email the file.